LOCAL: (618) 259-6292
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Quiet Dawn Bouquet

Shown at $60.00

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Just as the sun begins peeking over the horizon, delicate ribbons of pink marble the sky and a hush falls over the world. Soft pink gerberas and roses whisper gently in the dawn of a new day and pink lilies awaken the senses with their sweet scent. Quiet Dawn embraces the beauty of new life and tokens of gratitude.

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May 18
May 20
May 21
May 22

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While we will always try to accommodate the requested time, it is best to call us at (618) 259-6292 before picking up. Remember, we close at 4:00 PM on . Remember, we close at 4:00 PM on . Remember, we close at 4:00 PM on . Remember, we close at 4:00 PM on . Remember, we close at 4:00 PM on . Remember, we close at 12:00 PM on . Waterman's Floral Designs is closed on .

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When you order custom designs, they will be produced as closely as possible to the picture. Please remember that each design is custom made. No two arrangements are exactly alike and color substitutions of flowers may be necessary. Prices and availability of seasonal flowers may vary.